Sensual massage is a great way to build intimacy and closeness with your partner. In a professional spa setting, sensual massage is usually another way of saying that the massage will include sexual contact. Don’t expect to get a sensual massage at a spa. The massage therapists who work at spas are trained in therapeutic massage, which is based on Swedish massage techniques.



Feature Video

When massaging women, establish boundaries for areas that will not be exposed and work the pectoral areas, avoiding breast tissue. Find out tips for massaging women in this free instructional video on massage techniques from a professional massage therapist.



Full Body Massage

Medical massage is one of the most effective and simple tools for reaching rapid and sustained results in various disorders including sciatic nerve neuralgia, hypertension, impingement syndromes, and lower back disorders. Medical massage is a comprehensive method of soft tissue mobilization consisting of connective tissue massage (fascia mobilization), muscular mobilization, trigger point therapy (if trigger points exist), skin mobilization, and other components.



Buttocks Massage

A thorough buttocks massage will usually also include a hip massage and thigh massage. If the client is in a front lying position I usually warm up both sides of the buttocks at the same time, after that I work on one side at a time.


Below are some video suggestions for the buttocks in side lying position. I prefer this position as I have also access to the front part of the hip and can work all around the hip joint.

All the techniques shown can also be done with massage oil or lotion.

This massage is especially appreciated by women who deal with cellulite on the hip, buttocks and thigh area. This massage will help reduce fat deposits and the unpleasant appearance of cellulite and will firm up the buttocks.

Cellulite can be seen as an area of sluggish tissue. Massage will increase the circulation and therefore the energy flow in these areas and will help to flush out waste material from the connective tissue and fat layer of the skin.

This will of course take place over time. Massage is not magic. So be patient!